Saturday, January 9, 2010

Food for thought or Just Food for Life?

Ok generally I’ve seen and follow a few interesting bloggers.

So tonight, after I created my blog site, I decided to hunt out some new and interesting blog sites.

So on the top of the page, yes this page you are reading, if you scroll up, there’s this top menu bar that is fixed on all blogs within blogspot. One link says “Next Blog>>”, press it, and it takes you from one random blog to another. Alright then, off we go surfing to the next interesting blog. And time after time, I am bombarded with blog after blog on almost one single subject. So I decide "let me make a statistical analysis of my own on this", I pressed this link about 45 times, and the general results were as follows:
  • 5 results where family blogs with pictures of the kids for the grandparents to see. Very sweet looking kids. Loving families
  • 4 random blogs about thoughts on daily life and work. Most complaining about the state of the economy and so forth. Yes I wish the times are better, and I feel with all not so privileged at this time
  • 2 blogs were on relatively deep subjects, either thoughts or opinions on a specific subject or detailed investigative type blogs on a technical topic like architecture. Very interesting
  • And then a whopping 34 blogs on the general subject of food, recipes, restaurants guides, or culinary critique.

Yes that’s a 75.5% probability the blog was about gastronomy! I mean come-on I really had a bigger view on humanity and their varied interests and contributions. But 75.5% of a random blogger population is just interested in this one topic that is supposedly a means to survive and not the objective of which! What happened to discussions of current affairs, humanity, and other pressing issues like starving children or wars that are tearing countries and societies apart? How about less pressing but more interesting like car mechanics? Or the latest show from Myth Busters? Anything?

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